Our dedication to our clients’ success stretches back, from the dawn of an industry we helped establish, to the intricate, interwoven and global state of the insurance sector today
We live by The First Accord Cause. It’s what drives us to deliver the world’s best risk management advice and service. And it’s what sets us apart from other global brokers and the thousands of smaller firms that can’t match our size, scope and specialization
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We do insurance brokerage for all kind of general and Life insurance products and we are licensed by Insurance Regulatory Authority to represent all insurance companies. We advise clients on the insurance underwriters to place business with as per our experience in dealing with them.
We advise clients on control measures to put in place to ensure continuity of business operation in case of a disaster or a hazardous occurrence. We help clients to develop BCP operational plans to assist in identifying hazards with potential to disrupt smooth operations.
We advise clients on compliance with the provision of Occupational safety and Health Act of 2007 as revised in 2010. The act requires each employer to constitute a safety and health committee and conduct regular safety and health audits. The audits are meant to prevent workplace accidents. We also assist in registration of workplace.
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